Sunday 22 May 2011

selena gomez and justin bieber 2011

selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • mac jones
    Apr 28, 08:24 PM
    this sounds really really insane :D

    Do they weigh more? is it cream filled?

    Thick creamy new iPhone!

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. New Justin Bieber Pictures on
  • New Justin Bieber Pictures on

  • j800r
    May 3, 08:09 AM
    The way they've been able to keep the price low while using quad-cores in EVERY iMac has been by downgrading the GPUs. The Graphics Cards in EVERY model are now mobile. In the last line of iMacs they were full powered desktop GPUs.

    So, you see, while there's an upside (the processors), it doesn't come without a down (the GPUs). At first glance I was really annoyed as the �999 one (which is what I got before the refresh) had an i5 quad core, then I saw the graphics memory and got even more annoyed, but THEN I noticed the large shiny M at the end of the GPU name. THAT's how they've been able to bring us them processors and still keep the price down. They've downgraded the GPUs. As my i3 processor practically acts like a quad core anyway and is virtually never pushed to it's limits I think I'm more than happy with what I have. The GPU may only have 256MB dedicated memory but at least it's not mobile.

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • TimUSCA
    Apr 13, 03:21 PM
    Id love to see a new standard for "HD". 1440p would be nice...but current media would have to catch up. That said, I dont think Apple could make a cost effective television. Sorry, but theyd sell a 42inch TV for 2000.000 easy.

    The reason the cinema display is so expensive is due to the insanely high pixel density and it being LED backlit. It's max resolution is 2560 by 1440.

    An Apple Television would only need to be 1080 across and LCD/Plasma.

    HUGE difference in price.

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • fawlty
    Mar 31, 03:12 PM
    Presumably there'll be a cheaper version with faux polyurethane?


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. Is+selena+gomez+and+justin
  • Is+selena+gomez+and+justin

  • Dias
    Nov 21, 06:53 PM
    I wonder whether Skyfire is just a temporary hype or it's here to stay.

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • The Final Cut
    Apr 28, 04:41 PM
    lol @ everyone that waited for the white iphone...


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. Selena Gomez And Justin
  • Selena Gomez And Justin

  • Abstract
    Nov 24, 06:09 AM


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • Sodner
    Apr 14, 12:26 PM
    wait i'm confused is this for iphone or iPad or both? :confused:



    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • bbplayer5
    Apr 22, 09:49 AM
    That's completely fine with me. LTE speeds aren't really LTE speeds anyway. Even Verizon which does have the fastest LTE falls short of at least 50% of the actual LTE speeds. It's all false advertising anyway :)

    I dont know of any wireless phone that could support real 4G speeds. Besides on a mobile device, do I really need more than 20mb down, 5 up? Thats already faster than my cable modem lol.

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • ipodtoucher
    Sep 16, 08:57 AM
    1 Chocolate birthday, 2 chocolate pb swirl, 2 pumpkin spice, 1 red velvet, and 1 vanilla/chocolate. Picking them up tomorrow

    Daaaang and you didn't get the free one? PS todays is Apple Cinnamon ;)

    I love their cupcakes and since my school is across the key bridge I got there often hahaha

    Oh and I got new pants cause I pissed myself in excitement yesterday!! HAHAHAHAHAHA Just kidding, but I did get to assist an amazing DC photographer Morgan Howarth ( yesterday :D :D :D


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • Jason Beck
    Apr 4, 04:05 AM
    Crimple Viaduct, Harrogate

    I am so jealous. Love some of the places people in the UK shoot at. This was well captured. The exposure looks really natural and the green is very vibrant.

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • vong
    Feb 1, 08:24 AM
    spent about $250 on clothes in the month of january... latest clothes purchase:

    Items Ordered:

    Still Hating
    Omega House Tee
    Subtotal: $64.00
    Shipping: $12.88
    Total: $76.88
    10 Deep


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • Matt-M
    Apr 28, 05:08 PM
    Maybe we should just grab a couple of iphones for...ahem....testing purposes! :)

    I have high-precision digital calipers, but only a black phone.

    The only reason I found this interesting is the why. If the white phone is thicker, why is it thicker? Different camera vendor (since that's the thickest internal component)? Insulation on the antenna? Different battery? Thicker paint coating to prevent light leaks?

    I couldn't care less about the fact that it might be thicker, only the reason. Alas, I don't think it is. Maybe only enough for the paint explanation.

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • dsensi
    May 2, 10:16 AM
    OK, guys, I think you are right, touch screens are not the most desirable thing to see in an iMac, although I am sure they will implement it sooner or later, because it has an appeal nowadays to many customers - and it�s up to you if you use it or not. Time will answer this question.

    But... what do you think about higher resolution screens? Specially for the 21,5 iMac. I currently own a notebook with 15.4 screen that has exactly the same amount of pixels of a 21.5 iMac (1920x1080). When I use the 21.5 iMac, the large pixel size bother me, while at the notebook pixels are almost invisible, and it�s a great pleasure to use it.


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • DotComName
    May 4, 09:38 AM
    People looking to upgrade to iPhone 5 should be happy.. If it's delayed, that means they're taking their time and hopefully making a great product. Hoping for a bigger screen and antenna back inside!

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • AnonMac50
    Mar 31, 10:43 AM
    iChat sounds nice, but I still want name notification and Growl-like notification. Seems like I'm still going to use Chax.

    iCal? I have to say, I do not like its appearance.


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 26, 05:07 PM
    What a freaking RIP-OFF. You could buy 20 new songs a year for that instead (well not on Apple anymore sine they royally screwed everyone on some BS basis of "85 cents songs" to offset the "$1.29" ones except that as most of us predicted, there are hardly any 85 cents songs in existence yet a heck of lot of $1.29 ones. In other words, all they did was jack up prices to cover crap artists who can't sing and don't write their own songs and make farting noises and call it art.)

    Meanwhile, what good would this service do? Do you seriously think they're going to let you access your music that you did NOT buy from iTunes??? (i.e. your CD collection dumped to iTunes) NO WAY. You'd have to UPLOAD the entire library first. How LONG would that take? Ridiculous. Then you miss a payment and they delete it all.... It's far more likely it's only for songs you already bought (in which case you could already just 'buy' them again and download them for free; in other words the service is worthless).

    What most people would prefer I think is a flat fee music-on-demand service where you can listen to ANY music you want from the entire library. Pandora, Sonus, etc. already offer this service so Apple's "retrieve your own library online" is stupid, IMO. You could rent some storage somewhere and just upload your music there and download it anywhere on the Net WITHOUT APPLE even being involved. The whole thing strikes me as a cash grab from Apple to make you pay for the music you already paid for ALL OVER AGAIN. Bought 100 songs? 5 years you bought 'em again. No value.

    My entire music library is only 70GB in AAC without music videos. That would almost fit on an iPod Touch 64GB or USB 64GB stick as it is, let alone my Netbook which has 160GB on it and my MBP which has 500GB. So the ONLY way this service could be useful is if I could access ALL MY MOVIES from anywhere on the Net. That would require 2.6TB of storage, though. I don't see Apple covering that and I wouldn't even want to TRY to upload all those movies from my own library (and Apple doesn't even sell (let alone in good quality) 40% of them and 95% of the HD ones.

    No, a flat fee for unlimited rentals (music and movies) would be a good deal. I don't see Apple offering that any time soon, if EVER.

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. Justin Bieber Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber Selena Gomez

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 11:39 AM
    If I was the judge to rule on all of this, I would disband both companies.

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • SciFrog
    Nov 23, 09:13 PM
    Something just happened in the stats, we got a big jump and many teams too. Yet I don't think this is the whole catch up as we still miss points as a team and I still miss a big unit...

    That was enough to get us to #58 though, just by a hair...

    Dec 31, 10:48 PM
    ...God, not religion...

    I'll be honest: I don't know what the heck that even means.

    ...I read every post and I understood them all...

    No. You didn't. I am not judging her, and there are many here who aren't. I merely want all people to be accountable for their impact on society. For example, you are probably more healthy than I am. That's awesome. I truly hope you have the ability to pay lower insurance premiums than me. Why would I begrudge you that - I outweigh you by 50 lbs, and smoked for 25 years. But I'll tell you one thing - I run 15 miles a week now, trying to reclaim every last smidgen of lung capacity I can find. And, I've dropped 15 pounds in the last 6 weeks. And all just because I know I should. Think of how great it would be if there was financial incentive, to boot! argument is not that she isn't a liability. It's that no one here has a right to decide where the line is between what lifestyle is so selfish that it is your personal concern.

    Please stop assuming there is a "line." It can be a sliding scale. "Healthiness" can be measured with a variety of metrics (BMI, blood pressure, blood chemistry, etc) and there is no reason that numbers compared to numbers have to be judgmental. It doesn't have to be "healthy" vs. "unhealthy." That said, countless government agencies and private groups have decided what qualifies as "obese." The info is out there. People blow it off because there are no repercussions, no liability one way or the other.

    I would argue that accepting a lifestyle that has a much higher likelihood of illness or death doesn't necessarily mean mental illness. What about adventure seekers? Is climbing Everest a sign of mental illness? The likelihood of dying is high, and honestly, some would say that you have to be crazy to do it, but people still praise the behavior, and don't label the person with a mental illness.


    Guys, it really is possible that she just LOVES food. I've met people like that. They are great chefs and are very over weight because they love food. Not because they have some kind of mental deficiency.

    I really LOVE alcohol. I have been known to drink three bottles of wine, a half-bottle of whiskey, or a twelve-pack of beer in an evening. I don't do it to get drunk, I just really like the stuff. Are you cool with chipping in for my liver transplant? :cool:

    Apr 28, 10:56 AM
    .....About the the mentality of the people who buy a two year old phone just so they can say they have an iPhone.

    Not much different than people who get cheap/free (and crappy) Android phones to say they have a phone that's "good enough as the iPhone." And those phones, though they may be recently manufactured, generally run Android 1.6-2.0. Not exactly high quality...

    Apr 30, 10:30 PM

    -aggie- is so called seer. I trust that. Chrmjenkins seems clean. I know I'm not. So it's him left. lbro as well, but I don't get that vibe from him.

    What vibe exactly am I not sending out? In all of the games I've played, I have never had a role other than plain ordinary villager. This game is no different.

    I agree that -aggie- and Chrmjenkins are most likely not wolves. Not sure about you or lbro. But you were awfully quick to single me out, which smacks of some hidden furriness on your part. So my vote is for you, jav6454.

    Jul 24, 09:33 PM
    I think this will even allow apple to be more versatile in their UI design. Imagine if the ipod interface now is on LCD, with clickwheels, buttons controlled by programming logic internally. For the first time users or non-savvy users, apple can tweak the interface to be even much more simpler, for heavy users, they can customise their own interface. The interface can even react to the users action, guiding them to the right button if it detected that the users are having problems. None of these will be tied down to the hardware design, giving it more room to fit into any particular users' competency level.

    Mar 8, 09:16 AM
    You have many good qualities, lee, and you just showed us another one: a capacity for introspection; for looking back, recognizing and admitting that you might've made an all-too-human mistake.

    A lot of us would probably have done the same thing, were we in your shoes. I take a looooooong time to let people who've wronged me back into my life.

    Wow- thanks for the compliment. That was very nice. Yeah, he was a very difficult person to deal with.

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