Sunday 22 May 2011

american idol logo font

american idol logo font. american idol logo font.
  • american idol logo font.

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Dec 3, 11:34 AM
    No one has it seems. There's reports of a few people running the beta, but it seems isolated. I think it was a release in name only. Hopefully we'll see something around MW in Jan? Who knows.

    Has anyone been getting updates at all from VMware? I sent in my request for Discussion Forums (a while back), but haven't gotten access.

    american idol logo font. american idol logo font.
  • american idol logo font.

  • samcolak
    Apr 22, 12:05 PM
    Stop it please, you're hurting me... OpenStep is a specification of which GNUStep is a GPL licensed implementation released by the GNU project. Foundation and Cocoa are the NeXTSTEP acquired implementations that Apple is using.

    OpenSTEP is not licensed under a GNU project license at all...

    POSIX is not a kernel. It's a standard programming interface that UNIX systems used to make sure that one program written for a UNIX system would compile another as long as the standard was followed.

    Minix, while being a POSIX compliant OS, was a complete implementation done by Andrew Tannenbaum for a book he was writing.

    Your grasp of all of this history is quite muddied. Seriously, who are you trying to convince here ? You've gotten about every fact wrong about this whole thing. The plain fact remains, I was right all along, your correction was quite wrong when you said :

    You completely misunderstood my post when I said Bash was part of the GNU project. Bash has always been GNU, always will be. The GPL is very much "GNU licensing".

    Enjoy easter yourself and use the days off to work on your grasp of the whole UNIX and open source histories.

    From ( :

    Again, the Foundation is called the FSF, from their site, ( :

    Stop getting it wrong, we're on the Internet, the sites are there to correct you.

    Lastly - yes you are correct re POSIX - my bad.

    american idol logo font. american idol logo font. asjul
  • american idol logo font. asjul

  • Mystikal
    Mar 16, 06:43 PM
    I went to South Coast and MV, both said try back in the morning, but no guarantees. Still deciding if I want to try again in the morning and where. South Coast was a fiasco with the mall cop.


    That's why I'll never go to an Apple store in a mall.

    american idol logo font. by the American Idol logo,
  • by the American Idol logo,

  • Arnopoulos
    Apr 14, 07:28 AM
    My app isn't a universal binary and it still has that place holder.

    Bubble Poppers (


    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • DS Flyer
    Apr 28, 04:02 PM
    Does Apple's website specs show this?

    EDIT. Nope. Still 9.3 mm thin

    Just says -

    Depth: 0.37 inch (9.3 mm)...lies, available in white and black....

    ...oh well

    american idol logo font. american idol logo font.
  • american idol logo font.

  • sparkomatic
    Mar 11, 04:16 PM
    They just walked by and said that they don't have quantities. They can't open their stock until they close the store at 3pm.


    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • ethana
    Jun 7, 12:17 AM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    Not just lucky for the kids, lucky for the world.

    Please keep your word and NEVER have kids. The last thing this world needs is more people like you.

    american idol logo font. Idol
  • Idol

  • gnasher729
    Apr 29, 02:55 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.


    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • lPHONE
    Apr 22, 05:59 PM
    do you know how dumb that is? He's moving on to a new company. Along with multiple other people. Also, he was dead on about the Verizon iPhone a YEAR before everyone else.

    Dude. 1/2 the population GUESSED Verizon would be next to get iPhone... Are they all epic analysts?

    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • Krevnik
    Apr 15, 04:29 PM
    OSX was not built on UNIX, it is Mach/XNU with a BSD subsystem, it is UNIX-like, much like linux.


    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • Stier
    Oct 22, 02:28 AM
    my wishlist is these two

    DJ DAO Real Edition Double (for my beatmania IIDX games)

    Hori Real Arcade Pro. EX PREMIUM VLX

    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • liquidsnake621
    Sep 30, 03:14 AM
    well then maybe i'll pay 30% of my bill... =P


    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • IJ Reilly
    Jan 31, 12:27 AM
    Apple stock is tanking because Apple stopped making tools (which people need) and started making fashion objects (which are the first to go in a recession.)

    Maybe if Apple would make some real computers at fair prices... instead of these toys...

    Where do you come up with this stuff? We demand less!

    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • likwidplastik
    Apr 28, 04:31 PM
    "A colleague of mine just picked up a 16 GB iPhone 4 in white. I was a bit surprised when I picked it up off his desk (I had my black 32 GB in my other hand at the same time) – it immediately felt thicker."

    LOL, that's absolutely ridiculous.

    Also, why is everyone feeling so sorry for the case Apple is screwing them over? It's not their responsibility to cater to the case makers.


    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • cleanup
    Jan 31, 11:05 PM

    Though I never used to walk in the place unless my girlfriend wanted to go, I've taken a liking to A&F clothing lately for some reason, probably because it's high quality and often goes on sale. Trying to keep the gaudy logos and etc. to a minimum though. The moose/caribou is tolerable, and I nearly didn't buy the hoodie because of the enormous "ABERCROMBIE" on the sleeve, but it was only $30, so I'm not about to complain.

    And a bunch of cheap photo accessories from DealExtreme... a hotshoe leveler, wireless Nikon remote (generic, unbranded version), new strap, a wideangle lens for my iPhone, and a couple of cheap filters for my lesser used lenses.

    Considering I got 10 items (including 2 straps and 4 filters) for $70, I'm satisfied with only mediocre quality.

    [Edit] Oh, also picked up this silly Nikon lens cup as a fun gift for a friend; it was wildly overpriced, but the novelty is worth it. It's too bad it's actually a terrible mug.

    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+
  • American+idol+logo+

  • Rogue.
    May 3, 07:36 AM
    And the specs?

    UK store still down at this time...

    So enough of the speculation, and post when you have something worth posting ;)


    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • Surely
    Sep 13, 12:48 PM

    That's good stuff..... I'll have to pick some up this week.:cool:

    My weekend beer purchase was some Blue Moon.

    I got the 16gb "iWatch" two days ago. Another two weeks or I will be back at the store to get the new Apple TV.

    Okay, we get it- you got the nano and turned it into a watch.

    american idol logo font. for American Idol finalist
  • for American Idol finalist

  • supremedesigner
    Jul 24, 03:38 PM
    Scroll Ball? Hmmm...wondered if it's gonna be sensor scroll bar instead of pea-sized ball?

    american idol logo font. American+idol+logo+font
  • American+idol+logo+font

  • bousozoku
    Jul 21, 08:18 PM
    is this 4.8% for the quarter or 4.8% total market share? if the former, nice, but no big deal; if the latter then very big deal.

    It's 4.8 % total market share for the quarter. ;)

    It's more than it was and so it is a big deal. However, what matters is sustained growth not incidental spikes. If they continue to grow, they will have mind share as well as market share, especially with companies like Sophos telling consumers to buy Macs to keep their information secure.

    Market share is an interesting figure anyway. It doesn't talk about the installed base, only about the very current sales figures.

    Apr 26, 02:50 PM
    12Mbps? you sure you didn't mean 1.5GBs?

    Thanks for pointing out the typo - I meant 12 Gbps.

    (original fixed)

    Apr 25, 01:12 PM
    Wake me when iMacs have matte screens again.

    I used to be a fan of the glossy, but any more I get so irritated with it. I have a matte screen at work and I kept thinking, the colors and textures are so rich. Oh wait, its because I can actually see them. I may go Mac Pro for the Video card and 3rd party monitor option next time.

    Mar 10, 04:11 PM

    Sep 15, 08:34 PM

    I wouldn't buy Hitatchi, buy hey, it's as you wish...
    Since the only drive that has ever failed on me was this one, I won't buy either. In the 90's they had a huge issue with their QC (IBM was the deskstar). I see so many people who buy them now that in wonder if they're ok. I still shy away from them.


    Next purchase for me is a shop vac! :D #boytoysrock

    Apr 29, 01:38 AM
    I have both the white and black 32gb iPhone 4's next to me now. How anyone can say one feels immediately thicker than the other is beyond me lol.
    pics or it didn't happen

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