Sunday 22 May 2011

kate winslet new haircut

kate winslet new haircut. new hairstyle just in time
  • new hairstyle just in time

  • puckhead193
    Oct 28, 01:35 PM
    i want wireless mics for my NX5U so i don't have to deal with cables anymore.
    Also I would love to order my car. Lexus RX 450H almost fully loaded. I don't need the the rear DVD player as I don't have kids. ;)

    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet#39;s honey blonde
  • Kate Winslet#39;s honey blonde

  • rever3nce
    Apr 14, 11:27 AM
    i really hope this happens . i had to re buy a new iphone 4 just a week ago . if this is true about being here by the end of april then i can just do an even exchange :D

    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet Hair
  • Kate Winslet Hair

  • seanpholman
    Mar 12, 01:23 AM
    Bummer to hear, I was hoping I would get mine Saturday. I'l be down in SD in the AM, so maybe I will try down there.


    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet: Long amp; Curly
  • Kate Winslet: Long amp; Curly

  • emotion
    Jul 25, 10:23 AM
    This is great but I do have a question..
    Since it's bluetooth and Apple says it works within 30 ft.What happens if you're in a starbucks and other people have bluetooth turned on ?
    Will they be able to "hack" your Mighty Mouse?

    You need to read up on how Bluetooth pairing works. The short answer is this doesn't happen. It'd be a slightly pointless protocol if the above could happen.


    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet was spotted
  • Kate Winslet was spotted

  • mrial
    Apr 14, 05:45 PM
    I have the iPad 2 running 4.3.1 and I have no such setting available.

    You have to activate it using XCode 3 or better ... here's how:

    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet Hairstyles
  • Kate Winslet Hairstyles

  • arjaosx
    Apr 13, 03:14 PM
    Apple would be smart to just start making regular TVs and charging extra for it. As a (can't think of a word) they are in a really sweet position where if they do start making TVs and charge a couple of hundred dollars extra compared to similar TV, they'll will still be able to sell plenty of them and make an insane profit from people who will buy their products no matter what. As long as it has that Apple logo.

    The iPad has already blown away the "Apple makes overpriced stuff myth" out of the water. If you are still clinging on to this, let it go and find another useful argument.

    Most of the products in Apple's line up are competitively priced or more affordable than its competitors...and don't compare iMac's to desktop boxes it's an all-in-one a different form factor.

    Apple makes insane profits because their products extraordinary numbers not because they are overpriced. Fact is if Apple only makes income because of the premium, people will not continue to buy them if they don't work well.

    If you want to dispute what I said, try making your own product, design a pretty logo for it and sell it at a premium. See how that works out for you.


    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet has French Twist
  • Kate Winslet has French Twist

  • iOrlando
    Oct 1, 08:19 AM
    yeah 30% of calls are dropped sounds about right...

    kate winslet new haircut. kate winslet new haircut pixie
  • kate winslet new haircut pixie

  • tigres
    Apr 22, 09:34 AM
    Many get garbage 3G speeds on AT&T in many areas anyway, so what's the point of having a 4G iPhone that GSM provider (insert AT&T) in the US can't even support on a mass basis?


    kate winslet new haircut. haircut,kate winslet new
  • haircut,kate winslet new

  • ThemacNub
    Dec 5, 05:17 AM
    I think if there were no guns besides the law enforcements then America would be a much safer place.

    kate winslet new haircut. Looks a bit like Kate Winslet
  • Looks a bit like Kate Winslet

  • alexf
    Oct 18, 04:42 PM
    Pity you didn't read the figures before commenting:


    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet#39;s Long Wave
  • Kate Winslet#39;s Long Wave

  • SactoGuy18
    May 4, 12:07 AM
    In the end, the reason why the iPhone 5 won't come out until this fall comes down to the this: the Great East Japan Earthquake that seriously affected the high-tech companies in the Sendai area.

    Because so many high-precision computer parts are made in the Sendai region, this has interrupted production of the iPad 2 (despite Apple's claims, in my humble opinion!) and also has made it harder for Apple to obtain the components for the upcoming iPhone 5.

    As such, Apple is using the delay to do two, possibly three things:

    1. Give more time for the iOS programming team to polish and get ready iOS 5.0, which may have a major interface revamp. (likely already done)

    2. Gives time for the iPhone hardware engineers to incorporate the near-field communications (NFC) functionality for phone-based payment systems, including full compatibility with the Sony FeliCa system that is widely used in eastern Asia. (now likely to be done with the extra time afforded by a fall release of the iPhone 5).

    3. Gives time for the iPhone hardware engineers to full incorporate the latest Broadcom or Qualcomm cellphone chipset so a single-design phone is fully GSM and CDMA compatible now and be ready for LTE by an update downloaded through iTunes. (likely already done)

    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet Is Wearing New
  • Kate Winslet Is Wearing New

  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 28, 10:42 AM
    How can you possibly make that statement - that no one is switching to Zune ( or will switch to )

    Zune isn't out yet!!!

    If you hated DRM would you switch to a Zune? It is common sense. MS is doing the same thing that Apple is. And people already hate the iPod... Besides you have nothing else to offer to this besides a play on words?


    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet
  • Kate Winslet

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 22, 04:31 PM
    1. It looks bitch ugly.

    2. This is not the iPhone 5. :D. It's obviously going to be much different than this. But a bigger screen and gesture support is welcomed.

    Cmon iPhone5. We have been waiting for a while now.


    kate winslet new haircut. kate winslet new haircut pixie
  • kate winslet new haircut pixie

  • Egomaniac
    Nov 6, 09:13 AM
    To be honest, I've had more application crashes and restarts on OSX than I have under XP/Windows in the past 3 years. So much for "crash resistant" - and yes, I've had 4 kernel panics since I got this iMac home; that's more than the number of BSODs I've had under XP in 4 years.

    Which means -- as everyone is saying -- that there is something wrong with your computer. I have a MacBook, two Intel iMacs, and a Mac Pro in my house, and they do not crash despite heavy daily use. My poor Mac Pro is running three different operating systems right now using Parallels, with nary a complaint. If you are getting unexplained kernel panics on a clean install of Mac OS X, then you have a hardware problem.

    Hardware problems can affect any OS -- I've seen Windows systems that get daily BSODs. It's not because "Windows sucks", it's because there was a sub-par memory chip or somesuch in the system. Likewise Mac OS X crashes, when nobody else is experiencing a problem, are not an indication of the stability of the OS but rather of your hardware.


    kate winslet new haircut. Here#39;s gorgeous Kate Winslet
  • Here#39;s gorgeous Kate Winslet

  • crazy4apple
    Apr 14, 03:49 AM
    At this point, waiting another 3 - 5 months for an iPhone 5 would be more prudent than being locked into something so soon before a new device comes out.BL.

    What makes you think the iphone 5 will be released in 3-5 months. rumors suggest it could be realeased in Q1 which could mean late OCT or early Nov time frame

    I would suggest if you want it get it but if you can hold on then hold on :eek:

    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet returns to work
  • Kate Winslet returns to work

  • Eidorian
    Apr 29, 03:09 PM
    Basically any modern media device can play MP4 which is what Apple uses on it's store. For example I can put music purchased from iTunes on my Android phone with no coversion at all.Can you name a few more? I have only seen Sony support AAC on their PMP devices.


    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet#39;s Beautiful Hair!
  • Kate Winslet#39;s Beautiful Hair!

  • CorvusCamenarum
    May 2, 02:30 AM
    It turns out that this luxury, customized security hideaway where they caught him was only built five years ago (

    Who wants to take bets that the Pakistani government knew where he was all along and has been playing us for years, taking over $50 billion ( from us in aid (best numbers I could find) while pretending to help track him down?

    Screw you, Pakistan.

    kate winslet new haircut. KATE WINSLET photo | Kate
  • KATE WINSLET photo | Kate

  • ikir
    Apr 12, 03:27 AM
    USB3 is sucky as USB2, fast on sheet, slow in reality.

    Thunderbolt is more like FireWire, fast as hell! You can target mode with thunderbolt, and future SSD external drives or raid will benefit a lot from Thunderbolt.

    USB3 on Mac is useless, just need a Thunderbolt -> USB 3 adapter in case you need to plug an USB3 device and wanting native speed.

    kate winslet new haircut. Kate Winslet showed off her
  • Kate Winslet showed off her

  • twoodcc
    Oct 24, 09:12 AM
    well i can't believe Apple came thru today. i'm glad they did though. i didn't see the 2GB of ram coming though

    Jan 31, 11:15 AM

    That must be hilarious to see in action. :D

    On topicly, though not literally my most recent purchase I enjoyed it so much I thought it worthy of posting:

    Two tickets to this (


    At The Royal Albert Hall ( (Grand Tier, box 18, to be specific. OOOoooOOooh :D) You can see a good virtual tour of the RAH here ( (Spot the royal box, the only one with 4 seats next to each other.)

    The show was nothing short of exquisite! Highly recommended.

    Apr 12, 07:11 PM
    While this is possible I don't think it will be true. Firstly Apple is one to keep to traditions and ever since 2007 the release/announcement a new iphone in june/july and a new ipod range in september. So apple please keep to your traditions of ANNOUNCING a new iphone you don't have to release it till JUly/september but just so the teleco companies can prepare and get a list of people who would like one please announce it at the WWDC :apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::D:D:D:D:cool::cool::D:D:apple::apple :

    cloud 9
    Dec 3, 10:12 AM
    This is the summary from that page...

    I looked over his code analysis and I agree with his conclusion about it not being possible to corrupt memory (hence not possible to inject code). So it is at worst a denial of service type attack.

    merci beaucoup for you explanation and gnasher you too :)

    Jan 26, 08:38 AM
    I was waiting for it to hit 100 pages on my end before starting a new thread. :( Oh well.

    You poor boy. Will this leave a lasting scar? It wasn't 100 pages for me anyway as I view more threads per page. So there. :p

    Jul 24, 06:29 PM
    (Looks at watch)

    Is it time for another ****** apple mouse already?

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